Jump to: Smith's • ISBE • Easton's • Webster's • Concordance • Thesaurus • Hebrew • Library • Subtopics • Terms • Resources Smith's Bible Dictionary Cupbeareran officer of high rank with Egyptian, Persian and Assyrian as well as Jewish monarchs. (1 Kings 10:5) It was his duty to fill the king's cup and present it to him personally. (Nehemiah 1:11) The chief cupbearer, or butler, to the king of Egypt was the means of raising Joseph to his high position. (Genesis 40:1,21; 41:9) Easton's Bible Dictionary An officer of high rank with Egyptian, Persian, Assyrian, and Jewish monarchs. The cup-bearer of the king of Egypt is mentioned in connection with Joseph's history (Genesis 40:1-21; 41:9). Rabshakeh (q.v.) was cup-bearer in the Assyrian court (2 Kings 18:17). Nehemiah filled this office to the king of Persia (Nehemiah 1:11). We read also of Solomon's cup-bearers (1 Kings 10:5; 2 Chronicles 9:4). Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary 1. (n.) One whose office it is to fill and hand the cups at an entertainment.2. (n.) One of the attendants of a prince or noble, permanently charged with the performance of this office for his master. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia CUPBEARERkup'-bar-er (mashqeh, "one giving drink"; oinochoos): An officer of high rank at ancient oriental courts, whose duty it was to serve the wine at the king's table. On account of the constant fear of plots and intrigues, a person must be regarded as thoroughly trustworthy to hold this position. He must guard against poison in the king's cup, and was sometimes required to swallow some of the wine before serving it. His confidential relations with the king often endeared him to his sovereign and also gave him a position of great influence. This officer is first mentioned in Scripture in Genesis 40:1, where the Hebrew word elsewhere translated "cupbearer" is rendered "butler." The phrase "chief of the butlers" (Genesis 40:2) accords with the fact that there were often a number of such officials under one as chief (compare Xen. Hellen. vii.1, 38). Nehemiah (compare Nehemiah 1:11) was cupbearer to Artaxerxes Longimanus, and was held in high esteem by him, as the record shows. His financial ability (Nehemiah 5:8, 10, 14, 17) would indicate that the office was a lucrative one. Cupbearers are mentioned further in 1 Kings 10:5 2 Chronicles 9:4, where they, among other evidences of royal splendor, are stated to have impressed the queen of Sheba with Solomon's glory. The title Rabshakeh (Isaiah 36:2), once thought to mean "chief of the cupbearers," is now given a different derivation and explained as "chief of the officers," or "princes" (BDB under the word). See further on cupbearers Herod. iii0.34; Xen. Cyrop. i.3, 8, 9; Josephus, Ant, XVI, viii, 1; Tobit 1:22. Strong's Hebrew 4945a. mashqeh -- butler, cupbearer... 4945, 4945a. mashqeh. 4945b . butler, cupbearer. Transliteration: mashqeh Short Definition: cupbearer. Word Origin from shaqah Definition ... /hebrew/4945a.htm - 5k 4945. mashqeh -- butler, cupbearer Library What Things Befell Joseph in Prison. The Prophet Nehemiah A Man of Opportunity The Church and Social Evils A Reformer's Schooling Ridicule of the Heathen Divinities. Chapter ii. Chapter xl Nehemiah's Answer to a Call for Help The Restoration. Thesaurus Cupbearer (10 Occurrences)...CUPBEARER. ... Hellen. vii.1, 38). Nehemiah (compare Nehemiah 1:11) was cupbearer to Artaxerxes Longimanus, and was held in high esteem by him, as the record shows. ... /c/cupbearer.htm - 12k Baker (11 Occurrences) Nehemiah (9 Occurrences) Pharaoh's (72 Occurrences) Cup-bearer (5 Occurrences) Pharaoh (245 Occurrences) Cup (86 Occurrences) Position (189 Occurrences) Remember (230 Occurrences) Dream (82 Occurrences) Resources What is a cupbearer? | GotQuestions.orgWhat are some biblical examples of dream interpretation? | GotQuestions.org Who was Joseph in the Bible? | GotQuestions.org Cupbearer: Dictionary and Thesaurus | Clyx.com Bible Concordance • Bible Dictionary • Bible Encyclopedia • Topical Bible • Bible Thesuarus Concordance Cupbearer (10 Occurrences)Genesis 40:1 Genesis 40:2 Genesis 40:5 Genesis 40:9 Genesis 40:13 Genesis 40:20 Genesis 40:21 Genesis 40:23 Genesis 41:9 Nehemiah 1:11 Subtopics Cupbearer: General Scriptures Concerning Related Terms |